Halo 3 multiplayer beta

Well, looks like I didn’t get into the Halo 3 multiplayer beta. I have no idea what their selection criteria was, but given how many hundreds of thousands of people signed up (and that I have hardly any hours logged on Halo 2 multiplayer), I suppose it’s not that surprising. I’ll tell you one thing, though—I ain’t buying Crackdown just for Beta access (or at all).

  1. Hey, comments are back on the Asides! Good, because I wanted to comment on this before and didn’t notice that I could.

    Anyway, it would appear that I too did not get in the beta as I got their message that they’d be notifying people last week, but alas, no notification that I was in. Well, I can still hang my hat on being an Xbox Live beta tester.

    Oh, one last thought… since you have been playing H2 lately, maybe you should try option 2 to get in the test.

  2. Oh, one last thought… since you have been playing H2 lately, maybe you should try option 2 to get in the test.

    Hahaha, yeah right…you know as well as I do that will be swamped with hardcore players. I wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell.

    I actually tried to work a connection I had at Microsoft, but it didn’t pan out.

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