Two years and counting

Since the Saturday morning cartoon post proved so popular, I’ll soon put up a Top Ten Cartoons of All Time post. I’m just trying to decide whether to do it in one big post or as ten separate posts.

Today marks the two-year anniversary of the current incarnation of Biggerboat. Two years ago I wrote my first post, “paramental”, discussing a short story that I never actually finished (surprise surprise). Things were different back then. The Sox were World Series champions. The Patriots were about to win the Super Bowl the very next day. And the domestication of the dog continued unabated.

A cool $20

Thanks to the Amazon association on my Snow Miser site, I actually made twenty bucks over the holiday season.

I also have about twenty-five dollars stored up on Google Adsense, but I only get that money after it hits $100. Just three more years!

Top Five Saturday Morning Cartoons

I’ve often declared my life’s goal to make every day feel like Saturday morning. If there’s anything that makes me regret the linear direction of space-time and ache for the past as all mortals do, it’s that I can never truly recapture what it feels like to be a young kid on a Saturday morning.

Growing up in the 1980s following the FCC’s deregulation of children’s programming, Saturday morning offered a bevy of options for the child who, having woken at six a.m. to enjoy as much of his school-free day as possible, would down three bowls of sugar-loaded cereal while watching colorful talking animals and consequence-free cartoon violence. True, many of the shows were little more than half-hour advertisements for toys (or candy, or Mr. T). Others were genuinely entertaining. But what Saturday morning cartoons really offered children was a time when television catered just to them. No boring adult dramas or shows they weren’t allowed to watch. Saturday morning TV belonged to kids.

Must be nice

Bill Simmons spends the whole of his most recent column praising Miami and the NFL’s return to sunny, fun destinations for the players (and sports writers) of Super Bowl week. I think he’s officially lost whatever remaining shreds of street cred might have been lingering on his person. He’s still a great read as always, though.

Jason Clarke, NFL superstar

So along with Gears of War, I also got Madden 2007 for Christmas. I’ve come to appreciate football—or any sport in general—only recently, and it’s arguable that my fondness for football stemmed largely from hopping on the Patriots bandwagon over the last seven years (hey, at least I’m a native New Englander).

But I’ve found a lot of things to like about football. The pace isn’t as slow as baseball or as frenetic as basketball, but instead, it has a kind of dramatic feel as two teams of modern-day gladiators smash into each other, trying to drive a wedge through the enemy or turn them back. Football is great on television, whereas TV reduces baseball to little more than the pitcher/batter duel. There’s room to appreciate all the players in football. The quarterback is important, but he’s more like the lead singer of an ensemble band (like Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam) than, say, Daughtry.

Halo 3 multiplayer beta

Well, looks like I didn’t get into the Halo 3 multiplayer beta. I have no idea what their selection criteria was, but given how many hundreds of thousands of people signed up (and that I have hardly any hours logged on Halo 2 multiplayer), I suppose it’s not that surprising. I’ll tell you one thing, though—I ain’t buying Crackdown just for Beta access (or at all).

Thoughts on the Pats-Colts game

I posted a comment over on the Ed Zone regarding the Pats-Colts game Sunday that was so long, I might as well post it here:

While I don’t like Manning (in that way you tend not to like people who are talented and aren’t at all humble about it and are overhyped and willing to shill for any product in existence so they’re constantly in your face), I’m happy for the people of Indianapolis. I mean, Boston has reveled in four major sports championships since February 2002, while Indianapolis has arguably felt the pain of pre-2004 Red Sox fans more than once in the same time frame. Obviously I would have preferred a Pats win, but, eh, this just doesn’t hurt as much as it might have.

Gears of War

Like many gamers, I first encountered the first-person shooter genre with Doom. As an adolescent who grew up playing Predator in the backyard, I was immediately mesmerized by its blend of science fiction, monsters, and blowing the crap out of stuff with badass weaponry.

I followed up Doom with many of the other great FPS games?Quake, Quake II, and Star Wars: Dark Forces. And of course, the big shooter during my college years was Goldeneye, and my roommate and I played a lot of Perfect Dark.

A skirmish between security and the paparazzi at TomKat’s wedding.


bzzzzy bee

The beginning of the semester is the busiest time at work, so apologies for not getting a new post up here sooner.

As mentioned in my long-ago last post, I’m working on a review of the Xbox 360 game Gears of War. I should be able to get that up over the weekend. Speaking of which, GO PATS!

Enter the 2007

Okay, so there’s a lot of ground to cover since my last post…Christmas in LA, my birthday, and a brief review of the game Gears of War, for starters. But I’ll try to spread those out over the next couple of weeks. To tide you over, here’s a New Year’s questionnaire I shamelessly stole from Robin.

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