OK, so it’s the second and I’m already behind. I should give you a heads-up that I definitely won’t be posting daily this year–I’ve just got way too much other stuff going on. But I’ll try to post as frequently as possible.
First off, let me take a moment to thank both Kate Racculia, who designed the new logo, and Sean O’Brien, who redesigned the site’s look. I like the “blood in the water” feel this year–it’s cooler than the orange-and-black theme I was going to use.
So October is here, and Halloween approaches. I’m behind on more than just this blog–I haven’t decided on a costume yet, haven’t figured out a good movie night, nothing. All I’ve managed to do is put up some of my Halloween-themed action figures. For some reason, the process wasn’t as gratifying this year as it has been in previous years–I think because I can’t find my Simpsons Treehouse of Horror set. I’ve been putting it on display in October for years now, but I think I put in somewhere in my parents’ attic last year and now I can’t find it. I’ll have to do some more digging on Saturday when we head down to the South Shore for King Richard’s Faire.
Maybe this year I’ll remember to bring a camera so we can take some pics at the Faire.
As always, my fellow ToyFare writer Matt Caracappa has his own Halloween countdown over on X-Entertainment, who tracks down stuff like Jason Voorhees’ appearance on Arsenio Hall. Whatever happened to that guy? Hall, I mean.