Welcome to Halloween Month 2007

OK, so it’s the second and I’m already behind. I should give you a heads-up that I definitely won’t be posting daily this year–I’ve just got way too much other stuff going on. But I’ll try to post as frequently as possible.

First off, let me take a moment to thank both Kate Racculia, who designed the new logo, and Sean O’Brien, who redesigned the site’s look. I like the “blood in the water” feel this year–it’s cooler than the orange-and-black theme I was going to use.

So October is here, and Halloween approaches. I’m behind on more than just this blog–I haven’t decided on a costume yet, haven’t figured out a good movie night, nothing. All I’ve managed to do is put up some of my Halloween-themed action figures. For some reason, the process wasn’t as gratifying this year as it has been in previous years–I think because I can’t find my Simpsons Treehouse of Horror set. I’ve been putting it on display in October for years now, but I think I put in somewhere in my parents’ attic last year and now I can’t find it. I’ll have to do some more digging on Saturday when we head down to the South Shore for King Richard’s Faire.

Maybe this year I’ll remember to bring a camera so we can take some pics at the Faire.

As always, my fellow ToyFare writer Matt Caracappa has his own Halloween countdown over on X-Entertainment, who tracks down stuff like Jason Voorhees’ appearance on Arsenio Hall. Whatever happened to that guy? Hall, I mean.

Halloween magic

The new Halloween look for BBn will be a little late in coming–hopefully it’ll be up tonight, but it all depends on the schedule of my long-suffering webmaster Sean.

In the meantime, check out this editorial in the Boston Globe.

Red Sox for teh win!


New figure review

For the first time in about a year, I have a new action figure review up at OAFE. This one is Erik Larsen’s SuperPatriot.

John Harvard plays Halo


Here’s the pic.

Halo, Goodbye

Dear friends,

I’m that guy.

Yes, I’m that guy who, upon finally getting back to his beloved Xbox 360 with his brand-spanking-new copy of Halo 3, put the disc in the machine and…the Xbox 360 died.


Halo 3 impatience

Well, I’ve got to get through one more work day before I can play Halo 3. My friend Tom wisely recommended I take tomorrow off, rather than today, because I’ll no doubt be up pretty late tonight.

I wasn’t crazy enough to buy my copy last night at midnight, so I’ll pick it up after work today. I had preordered the Legendary Edition, but after hearing reports of scratches on the discs I think I may trade down to the regular edition.

I’ll post my thoughts on the game on these pages in a few days, of course. Until then, be sure to scroll down and check out my various Halo 3 articles from ToyFare.

Toy spinoff blog

I’ve decided to create a spinoff blog that will focus solely on toys. As such, I’ve registered poeghostal.com (Poe Ghostal is my Web pseudonym). I plan to try and design the site myself, so probably won’t start running until sometime in November, since I have to focus on Halloween Month here all October.

I wanted to title the new blog Poe’s Points of Articulation, but unfortunately it’s already taken. Another option is Poe Ghostal’s Pit, which was the name of an old website I had, but I’d prefer something toy-related.

So I’m asking for suggestions. Post any titles you can think of for the new blog. Alliteration with “P” is encouraged, as is use of the possessive “Poe Ghostal’s” or “Poe’s”. Edgar Allan Poe references are also welcome.

Once I’ve got enough suggestions, I’ll take my five favorites and post a poll for everyone to vote on. The person who suggested the winning choice will get a grab-bag of random goodies from my magic attic, spanning nearly thirty years of toy collecting.

My Halo 3 article(s) posted online

ToyFare is doing a “Halo Week” on their website, primarily by posting my article from the magazine piecemeal.

Something wicked this way comes…hopefully.

This time last year, I was knee-deep in writing reviews of movies like Spaced Invaders and Deepstar Six, to say nothing of my ill-fated attempt at writing a zombie story (well, not that ill-fated; I did finally finish it about two months ago).

I’m behind this year–having not written anything at all yet–but I’ve got some good ideas, and I should be able to get going this week. In the meantime, in an effort to make sure I can fill every single last day of October, I’m going to take suggestions. A topic you’d like me to discuss, a movie you’d like to see reviewed, perhaps even an idea for a (really) short story–reply below or shoot me an email, and I’ll do my best to grant your wishes.

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