Could we please have a moratorium on the media’s use of the word “slam” to represent one politician’s criticism of another? Stop trying to make it exciting. It’s not.
Could we please have a moratorium on the media’s use of the word “slam” to represent one politician’s criticism of another? Stop trying to make it exciting. It’s not.
For whatever reason, this pic cracks me up.
The Hellboy II website is now live. I like the little intro by Doug Jones, a.k.a. Abe Sapien. Also, the “Big Baby” gun looks badass.
Speaking of Halo 3 toys, here’s a glimpse of some variant Spartans in McFarlane Toys’ upcoming line. Yay for bubble heads!
(On a side note, I recently scored a few more–non-Halo related–articles for ToyFare. Stay tuned for more info.)
The more I read about Hellboy 2, the more it seems that there’s something of a Harry Potter-esque vibe to it. I think it’s the idea of the “Troll Market” more than anything else, but still.
I really can’t predict how well this film will do. The first one was a moderate success, but it was no Batman Begins or even X-Men. Maybe these Rowling-esque touches, while alienating some Hellboy fans (Hi, Scott!) will draw in the casual crowd.
The new Halloween look for BBn will be a little late in coming–hopefully it’ll be up tonight, but it all depends on the schedule of my long-suffering webmaster Sean.
In the meantime, check out this editorial in the Boston Globe.
For the first time in about a year, I have a new action figure review up at OAFE. This one is Erik Larsen’s SuperPatriot.
Why didn’t J. Edgar Hoover appear and destroy them?