Gmail notifier plugin

We’re not allowed to install programs on our computers at work (for security reasons), so I’ve had to make do without the official Google-created Gmail Notifier during the day.

But browser plugins seem to work, and I just came across this cool extension for Firefox that keeps track of the new messages in your inbox.

Don’t worry be–DEATH!!!

I think we can safely say, without any trace of hyperbole, that ringback tones are the worst thing in the history of mankind.

My sister has been tormenting me with “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” while another person I called made me sit through “Summer Love” for fifteen seconds before I got his voice mail. Yes, suicide was contemplated, however briefly. Death to ringback tones!


“Can he swing from a web? No he can’t, he’s a pig.”

CSI:M Rerun Recap

Watched on: 7/19

Episode Title: “Blood Brothers”

A fashion model gets run over by a Ferrari and (deep breath) it turns out the killer is the diplomatically immune son of the dictator of a fictional Latin American country who is helping the US military prevent another 9/11 by torturing terrorist suspects while keeping the US’s hands clean and the son killed the woman to protect his brother who had killed her roommate the day before but as it turns out that was done on Canadian soil at their embassy and so in a convoluted plan involving the Bahamian coast guard Horatio manages to arrest the Canada-killing brother on international waters but not the Ferrari-killing brother. No word on whether this angers the dictator dad and causes him to stop torturing suspected terrorists resulting in another 9/11.

Catholic school considers admitting Hell boy

Catholic school opens gates to Hell boy

Dramatic chipmunk (or prairie dog?)

For some reason, I find this five second video really funny.

Hellboy figure review

I wrote a review of a Hellboy action figure for Michael Crawford’s toy review site. Here’s the link. My main motivation was to raise awareness of the animated films, because if Blood & Iron doesn’t sell well, there won’t be any more.

What I’m reading

I haven’t mentioned it on the site, but obviously I’ve got a new “What I’m Reading” section, where I link to articles and whatnot I come across (via my feeds in Google Reader).

I’m just curious whether anyone ever peruses those links. I definitely like the feature and I’m planning to keep it—just wondering if any of you regularly check out the links, or if my interests are too esoteric…

I Am Legend trailer

I’m a big fan of the novel, and I do wish it looked like the movie was adhering more closely to it, but it still might be an interesting film.

Here’s the trailer. Disappointment warning: they don’t actually show any monsters.

Roundhead #7

The Christmas storyline continues—now in full Microsoft Paint color to make your eyes bleed!

Roundhead #7

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