I’ve updated the About Me page with some new info and sarcasm interspersed between the older stuff. Just FYI.
I’ve updated the About Me page with some new info and sarcasm interspersed between the older stuff. Just FYI.
Google’s new personalized homepage themes are pretty neat. They change dynamically depending on your location, showing the weather or the progress of the sun across the sky.
Three tries yesterday, couldn’t get past 8-3.
DG says I get too impatient. I say the game cheats.
Okay, maybe the game doesn’t cheat, but DG can vouch for the fact that a Koopa shell I kicked went straight through a Hammer Brother without killing him.
Every day, I’m going to try to beat the original Super Mario Bros. on the Wii Virtual Console. I’ll post an update the next day.
Update #1: After about a dozen tries last night (going 1-1 – 1-2 – 4-1 – 4-2 – 8-1 – 8-2 – 8-3 – 8-4), I got as far as the final castle and died. There was much cursing and many doubts cast upon the integrity of Mario’s ancestry.
Some inventive gaming fans created a website called 360voice.com, which uses the public gaming data Xbox complies about every player, combines it with a large number of stock phrases, and creates a “blog” that’s supposedly “written” by your Xbox 360.
Some of the posts are pretty amusing. You can read my 360’s blog here.
Thanks to a hot tip from Ed, DottyGale snuck out under cover of early morning to Target today and scored a Wii. That’s right, we are now officially a Wii60 household—for the price of a PS3!
Thanks again to Ed. Now we’re off to play Rayman Raving Rabbids…
Does anyone else wish Netflix offered the option to shuffle your queue (without breaking up series or DVD sets)? I always get bogged down trying to prioritize my movies, and I think it’d be fun to get some random movie in the mail every few days.
I know there are some software programs out there that can already do this, but you’d think it would be a pretty easy feature for Netflix to implement.
How would you play Root Beer Tapper co-op? It’s almost worth buying it on Xbox Live Arcade just to find out.
Speaking of XBLA, I seem to be the only member of my XBL friends group who actually makes use of it. Personally, I’m having a blast playing Doom and Geometry Wars Evolved, and am looking forward to the upcoming Worms. I may write a longer entry on this topic later.
Thanks to the Amazon association on my Snow Miser site, I actually made twenty bucks over the holiday season.
I also have about twenty-five dollars stored up on Google Adsense, but I only get that money after it hits $100. Just three more years!