It makes me cry now, too (but for different reasons)

Ed has a post about his Top Five Summer Movies over at the Ed Zone. It’s a great read, but he neglected to mention my role in one of the anecdotes.

I, too, was in attendance at that double bill of Conan the Destroyer and The Last Starfighter (which makes sense, seeing as how Ed’s Uncle Ron is my dad). However, being a bit younger than Ed at the time, Conan scared the living crap out of me. It made me cry, and so (actually—I don’t remember this all that well, so I’m going to call Dad and get the details straight here).

Top o’ the world


I wear a necklace with a small brown rock on it. When people ask about it, I tell them it’s from the top of a mountain that my father and I climb “every few years.”

But we recently realized we hadn’t climbed Mount Chocorua in nearly ten years. The last time we went up, I had just graduated high school. We’d tried to climb it various times over the years but various things interfered, such as college, weather, and one time, a hangover (whose? I’ll never tell).

Yesterday was my father’s fifty-second birthday, and we celebrated it by taking the day off and conquering Mount Chocorua once more.

Roundhead #5

For whatever reason, at this point I abandoned the storyline I started in the previous strips to do a more “classic” one. That is, this strip is what can be considered the archetypal Roundhead strip. I believe this one was titled “Roundhead: The Special Edition,” hence the unnecessary appearance by Yoda.

Roundhead #5

The post about the Halo 3 Beta

As anyone who’s been paying any attention to this blog knows, I’m pretty excited about Halo 3. A few weeks ago, my wonderful girlfriend DG got me my very own copy of Crackdown, which included access to the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta (fortunately, Crackdown is a great game too—you can read my review of it here). The Beta is not a demo of the regular game, which is due for release on September 25. Rather, it’s only a test of the game’s multiplayer component, which allows players to battle one another on three maps (such games are colloquially referred to as “deathmatch”).

(Warning: Halo 3 gameplay spoilers to follow)

Roundhead #4

In today’s strip, Roundhead and Bob drag Roundhead’s damned arch-nemesis, “Mr. Z,” out of hell so he can once again be a foil for our heroes. But things don’t turn out quite as planned. You can see I’ve started to play with action and perspectives a bit more.

Roundhead #4


Nearly a week into the new design and I’ve put up a single post. Tch—typical.

I’ve decided once I’m done with the editing, I’ll post The Wanderer here on the website. There are a few good reasons for this. One, it’s a novella, which is a notoriously difficult genre to sell. Second, it’s a fairly straightforward zombie story, making it a niche market of a niche market of a niche market (novella–>horror–>zombie).

Finally, authors such as John Scalzi have found that putting some of their books online has helped increase their visibility among readers. Of course, having basically no readers at all, I suppose posting the story can only help, or at least, can’t hurt.

Here’s my question, though. Would people prefer getting the story in sections, or would you like to have just one long post? Any preferences?

We needed a bigger boat

Welcome to the new Biggerboat!

Yes, a redesign has been going on in secret for a few weeks now. All the work was done by Sean, who also designed The Ed Zone. When we tried to go live yesterday and discovered that the new design didn’t want to work with MovableType, Sean buckled down and transferred the entire site to WordPress?including all the old content.

I can’t thank Sean enough for all the hard work he put into the site. Really, I can’t?he won’t let me. So be sure to comment and let him know how totally awesome you think it is, because you do (right? RIGHT?!).

Since the site is now running off WordPress, you’ll need to update any RSS or other feeds you’ve been using; the old ones will still link to the old Movabletype site.

Poke around a bit. Nothing is substantially different, but you should find it a bit easier to get around and to comment. Also, be sure to let me know if you find any dead links or malfunctioning content.

In the meantime, I believe I owe you not one, but two Roundhead cartoons. These two begin the “storyline” in which Roundhead and his evil twin Bob go to Hell to find Roundhead’s archenemy Mr. Zem. The third cartoon is the first to be hand-drawn and also contains the first thing to actually make me laugh while re-reading these. Enjoy.

(P.S. The “Columbian necktie” gag comes from Loose Cannons, the first rated-R movie I was allowed to watch in its entirety as a teenager. At least I think it does.)

Roundhead 2

Roundhead 3

Slogging through the mud

Melancholia I by Albrecht Dürer.

I’m currently stalled out on a story. I’m writing a scene where two soldiers—well, space marines—are knowingly walking into the lion’s den.

Sometimes in the course of writing a story you just get stopped cold. It’s not writer’s block per se; in this case, I just don’t want to describe their actual trip into the lion’s den—the ABCs of how they go down the corridors and so forth. This often happens to me in my writing; a sequence feels forced or, worse, boring.

Spider-Man 3

Twenty things I learned while watching Spider-man 3 (spoilers!):

Crackdown races

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I recently got Crackdown. The game initially showed up on my radar when it was announced that the game would include a free pass to the Halo 3 public beta test. This led to a lot of jokes about the game being retitled to Halo 3 Demo Disc Featuring Crackdown.

Ima gonna throw this

But Crackdown is a great game in its own right.

I admit, I tried the demo and didn’t really enjoy it. But once I had the game, I discovered it was one of those games you have to get into. Once you get the hang of it, it’s a lot of fun.

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