We needed a bigger boat

Welcome to the new Biggerboat!

Yes, a redesign has been going on in secret for a few weeks now. All the work was done by Sean, who also designed The Ed Zone. When we tried to go live yesterday and discovered that the new design didn’t want to work with MovableType, Sean buckled down and transferred the entire site to WordPress?including all the old content.

I can’t thank Sean enough for all the hard work he put into the site. Really, I can’t?he won’t let me. So be sure to comment and let him know how totally awesome you think it is, because you do (right? RIGHT?!).

Since the site is now running off WordPress, you’ll need to update any RSS or other feeds you’ve been using; the old ones will still link to the old Movabletype site.

Poke around a bit. Nothing is substantially different, but you should find it a bit easier to get around and to comment. Also, be sure to let me know if you find any dead links or malfunctioning content.

In the meantime, I believe I owe you not one, but two Roundhead cartoons. These two begin the “storyline” in which Roundhead and his evil twin Bob go to Hell to find Roundhead’s archenemy Mr. Zem. The third cartoon is the first to be hand-drawn and also contains the first thing to actually make me laugh while re-reading these. Enjoy.

(P.S. The “Columbian necktie” gag comes from Loose Cannons, the first rated-R movie I was allowed to watch in its entirety as a teenager. At least I think it does.)

Roundhead 2

Roundhead 3

Abouting Me

I’ve updated the About Me page with some new info and sarcasm interspersed between the older stuff. Just FYI.

About Me


Interview with Jason F.C. Clarke
(As conducted by the author with himself)

So…here we are again.
So it would seem.

“So it would seem.” What’s wrong with you?
Let’s just get this over with.

First off, a question from a reader: Who is this DG you constantly refer to?
DG stands for DottyGale, the online pseudonym of my girlfriend. You can read her blog here.

Okay, let’s move on. You are…?
Jason F.C. Clarke.

Right, right. And what do the initials stand for?
Frederick Cassani.

That’s a lot of names for someone who isn’t one of the landed gentry.
I guess so.

Or, like, “the third” or something.

Well, anyway. Where were you born and raised?
I was born in South Weymouth, Mass., and raised in Carver, Mass.

Carver, Mass. Home to lots of cranberry bogs, right?
Yes, it’s often called the cranberry capital of the world.

That’s absolutely fascinating. Is it true you once accidentally shot out the window of a used car in your next-door neighbor’s lot with a BB gun and immediately informed him about it while crying profusely?

Is it also true you once threw a fit because your parents were trying to make you share your Bubble-Tape with your sister—Bubble-Tape containing over six feet of gum?
Yes, that’s also true.

And you were like, eleven years old then.
I don’t remember, exactly…

Eleven is pretty old to throw a fit about something like that.
My parents said the same thing at the time.

Moving on. What do you do for a living?
I’ve done a number of things. I’ve worked at a library, as an intern for The Atlantic Monthly, as a reporter for a major newspaper syndicate, and as a marketing associate at a major computer game company–

But what do you do for a living right now?
Right now I’m a library assistant at a small art college in Boston.

Well, that’s better than last time, when you were “between jobs.”

That’s a nice photo of you up there.

Where was it taken?
That was taken in Bray, Ireland.

Very nice. When was that?
Summer 2000.

Oh. So that photo is, like, seven years old.

So, you could be a lot fatter or uglier now. You’re potentially misrepresenting yourself.
No, I more or less still look like that.

“More or less.” Right. Who took that photo?
I don’t think that’s any of your—

Oh, you’re just dying for an excuse to tell this story. I know it because I’m you. Who took that photo?
Oh, very well. While I was on vacation in Dublin, I went to St. Stephen’s Green to read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Oh, how delightfully literary of you.

Nothing. Go on.
Uh, so while I was sitting there, this young woman sat down next to me and noticed the book, and started up a conversation…

So she talked to you first?


Okay. Well, she turned out to be a French exchange student, and we ended up hanging out for the next couple of days. She had a car and drove us out to Bray, and she was an amateur photographer, so that’s why she took the photo. She mailed it to me in a letter later that year.

That’s a great story. So getting back to stuff people might care about, where do you live now?
I live in Boston.

In Boston itself?
Well no, in Brighton specifically.

So why did you say you lived in Boston?
This is getting kind of old.

Fine. Moving on. I see here you collect action figures. What’s your favorite?
Of all time? The original Grimlock from the Transformers line of the 1980s. My current favorite toy, though, is probably Joyride Studios’ Master Chief figure from Halo.

Anything else interesting about you?
DG and I have a guinea pig named Tribble.

I said interesting.
I once got yelled at by Faye Dunaway. True story!

Great. Any parting words?
You’re not very nice.


DG mentioned last night that she had trouble trying to find an old post on Biggerboat. She didn’t know that the categories at the bottom of each post—i.e., “Blog” or “Reviews”—were links to category archives, and she said she didn’t notice the search box. While I don’t feel as if the site is that difficult to navigate, it did have me wondering whether anyone else was having trouble accessing any of the archived entries.

I’ve upgraded the search function to a Google site search and added links to the “Blog” and “Asides” archives (all along the left navigation bar). I could add links to category archives or even a monthly archive if people would prefer. Choose your own adventure! and let me know what you’d like to see with a well-considered comment below.

About Me 1


Interview with Jason F.C. Clarke
(As conducted by the author with himself)

Let’s start at the top. You are…?
Jason F.C. Clarke.

Right, right. And what do the initials stand for?
Frederick Cassani.

That’s a lot of names for someone who isn’t one of the landed gentry.
I guess so.

Or, like, “the third” or something.

Well, anyway. Where were you born and raised?
I was born in South Weymouth, Mass., and raised in Carver, Mass.

Carver, Mass. Home to lots of cranberry bogs, right?
Yes, it’s often called the cranberry capital of the world.

That’s absolutely fascinating. Is it true you once accidentally shot out the window of a used car in your next-door neighbor’s lot with a BB gun and immediately informed him about it while crying profusely?

Is it also true you once threw a fit because your parents were trying to make you share your Bubble-Tape with your sister—Bubble-Tape containing over six feet of gum?
Yes, that’s also true.

And you were like, eleven years old then.
I don’t remember, exactly…

Moving on. What do you do for a living?
I’ve done a number of things. I’ve worked at a library, as an intern for The Atlantic Monthly, as a reporter for a major newspaper syndicate, and as a marketing associate at a major computer game company–

But what do you do for a living right now?
Right now I’m a freelance writer.

So nothing, you mean.
Now wait a second—

That’s a nice photo of you up there.

Where was it taken?
That was taken in Bray, Ireland.

Very nice. When was that?
Summer 2000.

Oh. So that photo is, like, six years old.

So, you could be a lot fatter or uglier now. You’re potentially misrepresenting yourself.
No, I more or less still look like that.

“More or less.” Right. Who took that photo?
I don’t think that’s any of your—

Oh, you’re just dying for an excuse to tell this story. I know it because I’m you. Who took that photo?
Oh, very well. While I was on vacation in Dublin, I went to St. Stephen’s Green to read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Oh, how delightfully literary of you.

Nothing. Go on.
Uh, so while I was sitting there, this young woman sat down next to me and noticed the book, and started up a conversation…

So she talked to you first?


Okay. Well, she turned out to be a French exchange student, and we ended up hanging out for the next couple of days. She had a car and drove us out to Bray, and she was an amateur photographer, so that’s why she took the photo. She mailed it to me in a letter later that year.

That’s a great story. So getting back to stuff people might care about, where do you live now?
I live in Boston.

Very exciting. And what are you working on?
What do you mean?

You said you’re a writer. What are you working on?
Oh. Stuff…

Such as?
A novel.

A novel! Well that’s exciting. What’s it about?
Um…this guy…

Does this guy have a name?

And what happens to Eron?

Uh huh. Clearly you’re on track to the bestseller lists with that one.
Look, I just don’t want to talk about it right now.

You collect action figures. What’s your favorite?
Of all time? The original Grimlock from the Transformers line of the 1980s. My current favorite toy, though, is probably Mezco’s Hellboy figure.

Want to pimp anyone else’s blog while we’re here?
Certainly. Be sure to check out my girlfriend DottyGale’s blog, as well as that of my cousin Ed at the Ed Zone. There’s also the blog of my good friend Kate, who drew the logo for Biggerboat.

Great. Any parting words?
You’re not very nice.