As you’ve probably figured out from the site design, this is the surprise I’ve been hinting at for the last few weeks. Be sure to hit “refresh” to see the new logo. Big thanks to Kate Racculia and Emily V. for redesigning the logo.
I love Halloween. It’s second only to Christmas as my favorite holiday, though Christmas gets the edge thanks to its quality family time. But in terms of pure holiday celebratory cheesiness, Halloween probably surpasses Christmas—and this from the guy who created The Snow Miser’s Cooler.
To celebrate Halloween this year, I’m going to be posting a Halloween-themed blog entry every day this month. That’s thirty-one days of beastly Biggerboat badness. These will include holiday memoirs, reviews of movies, books and toys, and perhaps even a short story or two—and, in a relative rarity for Biggerboat, lots of pictures.
Of course, occasionally I may cheat a little, and today is one of those times, as this post counts for today. Tune in tomorrow for the first real post, a review of the Tim Curry opus The Worst Witch.
Love the new Biggerboat logo… Tis a shame Halloween isn’t year round. That banner graphic is a keeper.
Incidentally, great theme!!! I look forward to the month ahead. After the Worst Witch, it’s gotta’ be all up hill from here. Right?!?!?
After the Worst Witch, it’s gotta’ be all up hill from here. Right?!?!?
You’d think, wouldn’t you…
Speaking of the new logo, am I the only one seeing a face in four of the sails? You know, kinda like the gas tank in Boston? On purpose or a coincidence?
I’d say coincidence, but to be sure, I’d have to ask the logo designer…
Those are DEFINITELY faces….had tobe deliberate…if not, very spooky….
I asked the designer, and she says she didn’t deliberately put any faces in there. So it’s all in your heads…